
Lenovo ThinkBook 15-IIL

Lenovo ThinkBook 15-IIL i3-1005G1/8GB/256SSD M2/14.0

1.1. Details


1.2. Ubuntu report on fairly similar lenovo laptop (the same?)

Ubuntu on Lenovo ThinkBook 14-IML/15-IML

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 Bit: Pre-installed by manufacturer
  • Testing details: This system was tested with 18.04 LTS, running the 4.15.0-1066-oem kernel.

Ubuntu on Lenovo ThinkBook 14 Gen 2 ITL/15 Gen 2 ITL

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit: Pre-installed by manufacturer
  • Testing details: This system was tested with 20.04 LTS, running the 5.6.0-1027-oem kernel.
  • BIOS: LENOVO: F8CN16WW(V0.16)

1.3. Reported solutions to known issues

1.3.1. Touchpad - Trackpad


Answer from: https://askubuntu.com/a/1273339

  • I installed Ubuntu on my Lenovo Thinkbook 15-IML and experienced exactly the same problem. Lenovo did not provide a solution for this "simple" task. As mentioned in another post, it is not rocket science and solution should have been provided by Lenovo Support Team since it is a basic functionality that should be guaranteed to work on any OS.

    Anyway, Ubuntu community and its helpers are pretty amazing. After a few months struggling with the problem, Kai Heng-Feng found a solution and provided a test kernel which solved the issue. Now my touchpad is working.

    You can apply the test kernel published in comment #88 in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1853277

    To apply this kernel you should download it and install it with these commands on a terminal:

    wget https://people.canonical.com/~khfeng/lp1853277-hack-5/linux-image-5.9.0-rc4+_5.9.0-rc4+-4_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.9.0-rc4+_5.9.0-rc4+-4_amd64.deb

    Restart your computer, and enjoy your working touchpad!

    P.D: I believe this solution works for a Lenovo Thinkbook IIL series as well. Maybe the permanent solution will be published in a future Ubuntu official kernel.

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