Big data with Modern R & Spark | |
"SEMINAR: Análisis de Big data con Tidyverse y Spark: uso en estadística pública"
Wednesday, June 12, 2024. 16:00-17:00h + 30' questions
Within the context of the postgraduate course on
"Data Science. Applications to Biology and Medicine with Python and R"
at University of Barcelona (IL3). 2024.
Outline | |
(1) About me | |
Xavier de Pedro Puente, Ph.D. xavier.depedro (a)
The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the Barcelona City Council. Any mention of trade names, products or services does not imply an endorsement by the Barcelona City Council unless explicitly stated as such.
(2) Barcelona City Council Case | |
Barcelona City Council: Public money - public code | |
Barcelona City Council: CityOS | |
City Council's infrastructure based on open-source Big Data technology City OS: internal data management, known as "Data Lake"
Barcelona City Council: CityOS Technologies | |
CityOS technologies: GNU/Linux, CentOS, Cloudera, Activiti, Talend, Protégé, R, Zabbix, Nagios, Ganglia
Barcelona City Council: CityOS - Cloudera Manager | |
Cloudera with Hadoop File System, Hue, HBase, Hive, Impala, Oozie, Spark, Yarn, Kafka, ...
(3) From Base R to "Modern R": Tidyverse | |
Modern R (Tidyverse) | |||
Workflow, Packages, People/Community |
Modern R (Tidyverse) principles | |
(4) Modern R & Big Data | |
Data > RAM = Problem
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
3 classes of Big Data Problems | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund
R interacts with other technologies | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
R General Strategy (i): Class 1 & 2 | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
R General Strategy (ii): Class 1 & 2 | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
R General Strategy (iii): Class 3 | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
Class 3 - dbplyr | |
R - tidyverse - dplyr + dbplyr
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
R General Strategy (iv): Recap | |
From an RStudio seminar by Garrett Grolemund |
(5) Spark (Apache) & sparklyr (Rstudio) | |
Digital information vs analog information | World Bank - 2003 | |
Google File System | Google - 2003 | |
MapReduce | Google - 2004 | |
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) | Yahoo - 2006 | |
From "The R In Spark" (book) | Image from De Apache Software Foundation, with Apache License 2.0 |
Hive | Facebook - 2008 | |
From "The R In Spark" (book) | Image from Davod with Apache License 2.0 |
Spark (closed sourced) | UCBerkely - 2009 | |
Spark: In-memory and on-disk | |
Spark: faster and easier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spark (open sourced) - 2010 | Apache Foundation - 2013 | |||
SparkR (Base R) vs. sparklyr (Modern R) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sparklyr | RStudio | |
Image from here |
Summary: Big Data with Modern R & Spark | |
Big Data with Modern R & Spark in context
Image from here |
Speeding up Spark via R with Apache Arrow | |||
Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data, you can read more about this in the Arrow and beyond blog post. In sparklyr 1.0, we are embracing Arrow as an efficient bridge between R and Spark, conceptually.
X Axis: Time to complete task (left-hand-side is faster)
(6) Sparklyr - next steps | |
(7) Addendum: Diskframe as potential alernative for medium sized projects? | |
(8) Former hands-on exercise nowadays with sparklyr | |
Remember the hands on exercise we did on the session about "Reproducible Work in Data Science" in this postgraduate course? We will revisit the work we did in that session, and we will evolve the Rmd you did in order to adapt it to use sparklyr to achieve the goal we had in that hands-on exercise. We can't make use of the free plan since the Spark infraestructure we need does require more than just 1 Gb of RAM (the RAM provided for free in free plan).
We will run this code chunk by chunk, to assess the RAM and time consumed to perform the same task with and without sparklyr in the same container.
Task: just loading the whole dataset (600 Mb csv file on disk), for instance, and saving it partitioned by meterological station to csv files on disk:
References | |
Thanks | |
xavier.depedro (a)
Earlier videorecording | |
[+] Presentation Slides
Video recording (earlier session, in 2020)