
Big data with Modern R & Spark in Public Statistics

"SEMINAR: Análisis de Big data con Tidyverse y Spark: uso en estadística pública"
By Xavier de Pedro Puente, Ph.D.
Technician at the Municipal Data Office. Barcelona City Council.


Monday September 14, 2020. 16h-17:30h + questions
Within the context of the postgraduate course on
"Data Science. Applications to Biology and Medicine with Python and R"
at University of Barcelona. 2020.

IImage from https://blog.rstudio.com/2019/03/15/sparklyr-1-0/

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Big data with Modern R & Spark in Public Statistics "SEMINAR: Análisis de Big data con Tidyverse y Spark: uso en estadística pública" By Xavier de Pedro Puente, Ph.D. Technician at the Municipal Data Office. Barcelona City Council. Monday September 14, 2020. 16h-17:30h + questions Within the context of the postgraduate course on "Data Science. Applications to Biology and Medicine with Python and R" at University of Barcelona. 2020. IImage from https://blog.rstudio.com/2019/03/15/sparklyr-1-0/