Faig els backups amb luckybackup, per clonar discos, o carpetes entre discs de treball i els discos de backup.
També empro Backintime per al Correu-e, per exemple, per tenir copies exactes en determinats moments del temps.
Introducció a Backintime i LuckyBackup
A la xerrada al CCívic Can Basté (5 Abril 2014):
Veure la xerrada sencera d'on s'ha tret aquest tros: CanBaste
1.1.1. Backintime
Open the program with "Menu > System > Back in Time", select the appropriate profile, go to properties, and ensure that the path to store the snapshots exists (disks mounted, etc), and it doesn't contain the ending "backintime" folder, since this will be added by the program later on at run time. See the screenshot:
Select also the directories (or whole units, in /media) that you want to back up. In this case, the sd card from the smartphone is selected. (media/xavi/CDF2-6BE2):
1.1.2. Luckybackup
Iniciat el programa a Coprinus a "Menu > Sistema > Luckybackup (superusuari)"
(preneu nota que obrir el programa des d'una consola amb sudo luckybackup no és el mateix, i no carrega els perfils de configuració de l'usuari root, preparat per al clonat de discos de casa)
Còpia dels arxius de configuració a data 14 Octubre 2013 a Coprinus:
Cada tasca de copia s'ha de fer amb la opció de sincronitzar origen i destí, o bé amb la de fer una copia de seguretat però sense crear un subdirectori extra dins el directori de destinació.
1.2. Redo Backup and Recovery
GNU/Linux LiveCD with a complete set of tools used to clone hardisk of whole computers, with their partitions, operating systems, and only taking the sapce occupied with real data, and not the full size of the cloned harddisk.
Currently, tool used to clone PenguinBookPro (tri-boot: MacBookPro laptop with GNU/Linux, MacOSX and Windows in it).
1.2.1. Initial work
Insert Live CD and boot with it. You will see an interface like this one, where you will click at "Backup":
Then the Backup process starts to get configured. It will ask you a few questions in a few progressive steps.
1.2.2. Step 1: Select the Source Drive
1.2.3. Step 2: Select Partiions to Save
1.2.4. Step 3: Select Destination Drive
1.2.5. Step 4: Select Destination Folder
Here you can select the destination folder, or create a new one for you in your desired location in the chosen drive.
The selection must be done in the /mnt/backup/ base folder, which seems symlinked to the real destination drive and folder. If needed, you will be prompted to choose your destination folder within the chosen drive within the /mnt/backup base path.
Once everything is fine, you will see listed the destination folder in the appropriate field of the step 4 of the backup wizard.
1.2.6. Step 5: Name your backup
1.2.7. Step 6: Creating the Backup image
Once finished, you will be shown the total time invested to create your backup.
1.2.8. Checking sizes
For curiosity, you can check what is the size of that folder where you stored your backup. 53 Gb in our case.
Then, you can also have a look at the used space in the disk partitions in the laptop:
Suming them all, you get more than 70Gb as used space, and nearly 150Gb of all space in the drive (/dev/sda). So it seems that Redo Backup and Recovery did quite a good job taking not only the used space to clone your disks/drives, but also taking less space than the one in the real source drive (more than 20Gb less space).
Nice job!
1.3. Custom shell script
In some cases (mainly at work, but also in some servers and computers at home), I use some custom backup script which I have been developing and tweaking over the years. Feel free to re-use it and extend it for your own needs, under the tems of the GNU/GPL or GNU/LGPL copyright licenses.
See this example:
Computer at work
Manual local Backups
#!/bin/bash ####################################### ### PARAMETERS TO CUSTOMIZE THE SCRIPT ####################################### ### Generic Label for the server ### MLABEL="xavi_pentinella" ### MySQL Server Login Info ### MUSER="mysqluser" MPASS="mysqlpass" MHOST="localhost" ### FTP SERVER Login info ### FTPU="ftpuser" FTPP="ftppass" FTPS="ftpserver" FTPF="./backups/pentinella" NOWD=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") NOWT=$(date +"%H_%M_%S") ## Some paths defined MYSQL="$(which mysql)" MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)" BAKPATH="/home/xavi/backups_locals" # TODO: make the folliwng paths relative to this one BAK="backup_local_pentinella" TIKIFILESABSPATH="/var/www/tiki_files" # Relative paths to backup folders RBAK1="mysql" RBAK2="tikifiles" RBAK3="serverfiles" RBAK4="homexavifiles" EMAILF="ueb@vhir.org" EMAILT="xavier.depedro@vhir.org" SMTP="servirmta1.ir.vhebron.net" #### End of parameters ####################################### # Base path for backup folders BBAK=$BAKPATH/$BAK/$NOWD # Absolute paths to backup folders (base path + relative path) ABAK1=$BBAK/$RBAK1 ABAK2=$BBAK/$RBAK2 ABAK3=$BBAK/$RBAK3 ABAK4=$BBAK/$RBAK4 # Other variables used GZIP="$(which gzip)" # Relative paths for each log file RLOGF=log-$MLABEL-SUM.$NOWD.txt RLOGF1=log-$MLABEL-$RBAK1.$NOWD.txt RLOGF2=log-$MLABEL-$RBAK2.$NOWD.txt RLOGF3=log-$MLABEL-$RBAK3.$NOWD.txt RLOGF4=log-$MLABEL-$RBAK4.$NOWD.txt # Base log path (set by default to the same base path for backups) BLOGF=$BBAK # Absolute path for log files ALOGF=$BLOGF/$RLOGF ALOGF1=$BLOGF/$RLOGF1 ALOGF2=$BLOGF/$RLOGF2 ALOGF3=$BLOGF/$RLOGF3 ALOGF4=$BLOGF/$RLOGF4 ### These next parts (1) & (2) are related to the removal of previous files in these folders if they exist, and create dirs as needed for new set of periodic backups ### ## (1) To remove all previous backups locally at the server and at the same base backup folder, uncomment the following line #[ ! -d $BAKPATH/$BAK ] && mkdir -p $BAKPATH/$BAK || /bin/rm -f $BAKPATH/$BAK/* ## (2) To avoid removing previous backups from teh same day locally, keep the last part commeted out (with ## just in front of "|| /bin/rm -f ..." ) [ ! -d $ABAK1 ] && mkdir -p $ABAK1 # || /bin/rm -f $ABAK1/* [ ! -d $ABAK2 ] && mkdir -p $ABAK2 # || /bin/rm -f $ABAK2/* [ ! -d $ABAK3 ] && mkdir -p $ABAK3 # || /bin/rm -f $ABAK3/* [ ! -d $ABAK4 ] && mkdir -p $ABAK4 # || /bin/rm -f $ABAK4/* ### [ ! -d "$BAK" ] && mkdir -p "$BAK" ### DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'show databases')" for db in $DBS do FILE=$ABAK1/$db.$NOWD-$NOWT.gz $MYSQLDUMP -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS $db | $GZIP -9 > $FILE done ### Backup tikifiles ### #tar -czvf $ABAK2/00-$RBAK2-$MLABEL.$NOWD-$NOWT.tgz $TIKIFILESABSPATH/* > $ALOGF2 ### Backup serverfiles ### tar -czhvf $ABAK3/00-$RBAK3-$MLABEL.$NOWD-$NOWT.tgz /etc/* /root/.luckyBackup/* /root/.local/* /root/.ssh/* /root/.config/* > $ALOGF3 ### Backup home user files ### tar -czhvf $ABAK4/00-$RBAK4-$MLABEL.$NOWD-$NOWT.tgz /home/xavi/scripts/* /home/xavi/.local/* /home/xavi/.config/* /home/xavi/.Skype/* /home/xavi/.luckyBackup/* /home/xavi/.ssh/* /home/xavi/.purple/* > $ALOGF4 ### Send files over ftp ### #lftp -u $FTPU,$FTPP -e "mkdir $FTPF/$NOWD;cd $FTPF/$NOWD; mput $ABAK1/*.gz; mput $ABAK2/*.tgz; mput $ABAK3/*.tgz; quit" $FTPS > $ALOGF cd $ABAK1;ls -lh * > $ALOGF1 # Add a short summary with partial dir sizes and append all partial log files into one ($LOGF) cd $BBAK;du -h $RBAK1 $RBAK2 $RBAK3 $RBAK4 > $ALOGF;echo "" >> $ALOGF;echo "--- $RBAK2 uncompressed: ---------------" >> $ALOGF;du $TIKIFILESABSPATH -h --max-depth=2 >> $ALOGF ### Compress and Send log files ### tar -czvf $ALOGF1.tgz -C $BLOGF $RLOGF1 #tar -czvf $ALOGF2.tgz -C $BLOGF $RLOGF2 tar -czvf $ALOGF3.tgz -C $BLOGF $RLOGF3 tar -czvf $ALOGF4.tgz -C $BLOGF $RLOGF4 #lftp -u $FTPU,$FTPP -e "cd $FTPF/$NOWD; put $ALOGF1.tgz; put $ALOGF2.tgz; put $ALOGF3.tgz; put $ALOGF4.tgz; quit" $FTPS ### Send report through email ### sendemail -f $EMAILF -t $EMAILT -u '[Pentinella Manual Local Backup Report]' -m 'Short report attached' -a $ALOGF -a $ALOGF1 -s $SMTP -o tls=no
#Back In Time system entry, this will be edited by the gui: 0 14 * * 1 /usr/bin/nice -n 19 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/backintime --backup-job >/dev/null 2>&1 #Back In Time system entry, this will be edited by the gui: 0 14 * * * /usr/bin/nice -n 19 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/backintime --profile-id 2 --backup-job >/dev/null 2>&1 30 13 * * Wed sh '/home/xavi/scripts/backup_manual_pentinella.sh' #10 12 * * * cd /var/www/html/12.x/;php console.php index:rebuild > /dev/null 2>&1 # Sending "Daily reports" of watch-emails #* * * * * cd /var/www/html/12.x/;php console.php daily-report:send > /dev/null 2>&1
Alias names for this page: Pentinella
1.4. How to stop Backintime backups in progress
If for some reason you need to stop an ongoing backup job made with Backintime, you can do so in two steps:
1) Ensure that there is no process related to "backintime" in the jobs list. In case there is some, kill it:
ps auxfww|grep backintime|awk '{print $2 }' |xargs sudo kill -9
2) Delete the temporal folder and files where backintime stores the the information of the ongoing back-up process, and restart backintime. Don't worry, the configuration files are elsewhere (/home/username/.config/backintime or /root/.config/backintime, for a standard user or the root, respectively). Then restart Back In Time.
# For a estandard user: sudo rm /home/username/.local/share/backintime/* -R # For the root user: sudo rm /root/.local/share/backintime/* -R
Noms alias d'aquesta pàgina:
Backup | Backintime | LuckyBackup | rsync