How to make screencasts using FLOSS.
1.1. SimpleScreenRecorder
How to make screencasts with SimpleScreenRecorder
Whether you’re wanting to make a video tutorial, capture an interface quirk for a bug report, or looking to show off your gaming prowess, there are a bunch of screen-recording tools available for Ubuntu.
While apps like GTK Record My Desktop and Kazam are popular they are not necessarily the best. Results can vary. Kazam in Ubuntu 14.04 is still quite buggy if you don't use the default settings for everything, even if it looks a promising application.
The Qt-based SimpleScreenRecorder isn’t as well known as those above, and while it doesn’t reinvent the wheel, or redefine usability, what it does do it does well. Very well, in fact.
For more information, see:
1.1.1. Example - setup
Example of setup for the screencasts made for the Course on Tiki held on June 2014 (, to record actions on a Windows XP Virtual Box.
1.1.2. Example - youtube channel
See the 50+ videos created and displayed in this channel (most of them with SimpleScreenRecorder ):